Kevin Hill Auction Services Inc. owner/auctioneer Kevin Hill graduated from the Western College of Auctioneering in 1982, and has been auctioneering in Montana and Idaho for over 35 years. Kevin is a past board member and president of the Montana Auctioneer’s Association (MAA) and a member of the National Auctioneer’s Association (NAA). Kevin Hill Auction Services specializes in auction marketing and has had the pleasure to work directly with homeowners, collectors, ranchers, farmers and banks giving them the most professional and phenomenal results.
- Real Estate
- Livestock
- Estate
- Liquidation
- Farm & Ranch
- Equipment
- Dispersal Sales
- Bank Repossessions
Kevin has also been volunteering his auction services for over 35 years for the Montana 4-H, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, Fish Wildlife and Parks, BASS Federation, NRA, Turkey Federation, SAFE, Youth Homes and many others.